Elica Petrova

Настояща месторабота: Director of the Institute of Fisheries Resources (IRR) - Varna, SSA

Edu cation:

- Master's degree in ecology, majoring in EOOS

- Associate Professor, Ph.D., Hydrobiology and Fish Breeding, Fish Farming and Industrial Fishing

- Project manager, evaluation, implementation, monitoring and management of projects financed by national institutions, EU, EEA and other international donors in the field of marine ecology and fisheries;

Кратка автобиография: He has been working in the IRR since 1999, but a few years before that he was already in its structure, as a volunteer in marine ecology. In IRR, he went through the entire chain of career development in the field of hydrobiology and fisheries, as well as Deputy Director of the Institute since 2009; Areas of scientific interest: zoobenthos, biodiversity, trophic base dynamics, stocks of economically important marine non-fish resources, marine ecology, wetlands.

Currently Director of the Institute of Fish Resources - Varna.