Alexander Kalchev
Настояща месторабота: Executive Director of "Shipping Bulgarian Navy" - JSC
Edu cation:
- Master in "Ship Management" - VVMU "N. Y. Vaptsarov" - Varna;
- Master in "Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering" - Technical University - Varna.
Кратка автобиография: Born on 11.06.1975. in Varna. In 2002, he began his professional career as a sub-captain in the fleet of "BMF Shipping" AD, and in 2008 he was awarded the title of captain. Lecturer and marine instructor in many special and additional STCW courses.
In 2009 and 2010, he was appointed executive director of "Bulgarian Maritime Qualification Center" EAD, after which he returned to the bridge of the ships of "Parakhodstvo BMF" JSC.
Since April 2011, he has been the head of the "Training and qualification" sector in the "Navy" department of the "Shipping BMF" JSC, and later he began to perform the functions of the head of the "Inspection activity" sector in the "UBK" department.
Since 2013, he has been the executive director of the Company.